Why You Should Include Vitamins B4, B7, B8, B10 & B11 In Your Diet
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

When picking up a Vitamin B Complex supplement bottle, we assume all the vitamins listed as “B” are all B vitamins that exist to be inside. And some brands have them, but have you ever noticed you never see Vitamin B4, B7, B8, B10, and B11 on nutrition labels.
You probably never thought of it before because we don’t usually hear anyone discuss those vitamins before. But they do exist.
This is the entire B Vitamin list:
Vitamin B1 is Thiamine (Helps turn carbohydrates into energy which helps the brain and nervous system. Also, metabolism of pyruvate.)
Vitamin B2 is Riboflavin (Important for body growth, red blood cell production, and release energy from food)
Vitamin B3 is Niacin(Helps the digestive, skin, and nervous systems function. Also, helps the body break down and release energy from food.)
Vitamin B4 is Adenine but also idenitified as Choline, and Carnitine (Adenine gives energy to cells and makes the nucleotide building blocks of DNA and RNA. Choline helps the brain and nervous system function normally. Cartinine helps the body to turn fatty acids into energy.)
Vitamin B5 is Pantothenic acid (Helps body break down and use food. Helps make fatty acids, and produce hormones and cholesterol.)
Vitamin B6 is Pyridoxine (Maintain normal nerve function, makes antibodies, makes hemoglobin, keep blood sugar in the normal range, and breaks down proteins.)
Vitamin B7 is Biotin (Metabolizes proteins, carbohydrates and the production of hormones and cholesterol.)
Vitamin B8 is Inositol (Helps body process insulin, and bind neurotransmittors, hormones and promotes cell growth)
Vitamin B9 is Folate ( Works with B12 to form blood cells, Helps divide cells, makes DNA and other gentic material)
Vitamin B10 is PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid)(Helps support intestinal bacteria for proper digestion, assists in the production of folate, and known to block UV rays and help gray hair revert to its original color. Also, helps maintain skin tone.)
Vitamin B11 is Folic Acid ( Helps body make new healthy cells)
Vitamin B12 is Cobalamins ( Helps form red blood cells and maintain the central nervous system.)
You can purchase these B supplements separately from any Vitamin supplement store, but not all brands that sell B Complex have all 12 B vitamins inside.
Why is that?
Vitamins B4, B7, B8, B10 & B11 were established to be no longer important for our daily nutrition intake because our bodies produce them. At first, it may make sense when you think about it that way but we can still become deficient in them so they shouldn’t be disregarded or identified as unimportant.
Some symptoms of deficiency of these missing vitamins are Vitiligo, Mental Health issues, Depression, Autoimmune Conditions, Panic Disorders, Diabetes, and more.
And its seems its still being kept that way because when you search for them as “vitamin B4, B10, B11” or etc. you can’t find government links easily. You have to search the vitamins by their other name to find information.
Our Research Experience
Most of the information we learned regarding the missing B vitamins came from Healthline.com, other people’s blogs, and Vitamin and Supplemental companies. These sources explained these missing vitamins, the symptoms of deficiencies, and the risks and side effects when they are taken in supplement forms.
Sidenote: Choline has become identified as important as of 1998 but, it’s not called vitamin B4 on our nutrition labels. It’s listed as Choline so, we don’t even realize it’s a B vitamin.
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Either way, we deem all Vitamins important, therefore, we will list the foods you can find these vitamins in because everyone wants better health.
A good example of this is the condition Vitiligo. Some articles say there is no way to prevent Vitiligo, but what if the root cause is low levels of Vitamin B10?
As we mentioned above, Vitamin B10 helps our skin and hair colors remain intact. So perhaps we shouldn’t consider our health to be adequate just because our bodies produce it.
Foods You Can Find Vitamin B’s In
Vitamin B1 is found in whole grains, meat, fish, fortified cereals, bread, beans, and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B2 is found in organ meats, milk, lean meats, swiss cheese, canned salmon, apple, tomato, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, egg and green vegetables, fortified cereals, and grains.
Vitamin B3 is found in nuts, legumes, Marinara spaghetti sauce, grains, potato, banana, poultry, beef, fish, and fortified cereals and grains.
Vitamin B4 as Adenine is found in soybeans, peanut, string beans, cauliflower, spinach, kale, raw honey, bee pollen, strawberry, thyme, sage, cloves, yucca, capsicum, spearmint, kelp, and ginger.
Adenine food links: BoldSky, and LaurieGoldmanMD
Vitamin B4 identified as Choline found in meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, eggs, potatoes, quinoa, Brussel sprouts, and broccoli.
Vitamin B4 identified as Carnitine is found in beef steak, ground beef, milk, chicken breast, codfish, icecream, and cheddar cheese.
Vitamin B5 is found in organ meats, whole grains, beef, chicken, fortified cereals and grains, mushrooms, avocado, potatoes, boiled egg, greek yogurt, broccoli, peanuts, chick peas, cheddar cheese, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, and clementines.
Vitamin B6 is found in potatoes, organ meats, fortified cereals, beef, chick peas, fish, banana, cottage cheese, bulgur, waffles, squash, watermelon, tofu, spinach, onions, raisins, and spaghetti Marinara sauce.
Vitamin B7 is found in eggs, fish, meat, poultry, seeds, nuts, organ meats, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.
Vitamin B8 is found in unprocessed whole grains, some nuts, cantaloupe, most citrus fruits, lima beans, chickpeas, lentils, raisins, and cabbage.
Vitamin B9 is found in orange, banana, papaya, cantaloupe, fruit juices, boiled spinach, avocado, boiled asparagus, brussels sprouts, seafood, peanuts, boiled eggs, kidney beans, black eyed peas, tomato juice, milk, organ meat, poultry, and grains.
Vitamin B10 is found in spinach, whole grains, brewer’s yeast, liver, molasses, and mushrooms.
Vitamin B11 is found in enriched bread, cereals, flour, cornmeal, pasta, rice, and other grain products.
Vitamin B12 is found in fish, meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, and fortified cereals.
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